At the end of grade 10, all ISD students undertake the "Praktikum", a two-week work-experience programme with local employers designed to give students an introduction to the business world.
The objectives of the Praktikum are to grow awareness and knowledge about future career possibilities; develop skills and social competencies which are necessary in a professional environment; and network and connect with business contacts.
The Praktikum (“berufsvorbereitendes Praktikum”) is a required part of the curriculum in German schools and an important experience for adolescents in their search for professional and personal identities. We have adopted the Praktikum into our own curriculum, and are delighted to offer this unique opportunity to our senior students.
In preparation for the Praktikum, students learn how to craft a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and write letters of application. Supervision is provided throughout the two week period, to ensure a positive learning experience and to provide support should questions or concerns arise.
At ISD, we are fortunate to have connections to over 90 businesses in the greater Düsseldorf area, providing opportunities for placement in a diverse range of local, national, and international organisations. In some instances, the experience is so successful that students are invited to start their careers with their Praktikum provider after completing the IB.