What would learning look like if we allowed students to freely explore a rich framework of learning experiences? If we helped students to find other learners with similar interests and passions? If we empowered every staff member to share their interests and passions with our community?
Through the ISD Additional Learning Opportunities (ALO) programme, students in grades 6 to 10 are given the opportunity to explore new topics, dive deeper into a current interest, to extend their knowledge in academic areas, and receive coaching in subjects where they may be weaker. Among other objectives, the programme aims to:
provide students with agency in when, how, and what they learn
promote age mixing and provide leadership opportunities for older students
allow students to develop relationships with like-minded peers
stretch students by taking them outside of their comfort zone, in a low-stakes, low-pressure environment.
ALOs take place every second Friday (Day 10) in the last two periods after lunch.
Service opportunities are semester-long service learning projects that matter to students and the communities they aim to serve. These projects are teacher initiated but student led. Students can choose two different service learning projects over the course of the year.
Stretch experiences leverage the skills and passions of ISD staff and students, offering a set of experiences that stretch beyond the curriculum while also stretching students in six core areas of competence: character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. Experiences may be challenge-based, movement-based, discussion-based, game-based, curriculum-based, or mindfulness-based.
Academic Coaching opportunities give students in grades 9 and 10 the individual support they need to help prepare them for the challenges of the Diploma Programme (DP) in grades 11 and 12. Every ALO week, students can sign up for the support they need during that particular week.